March 4 pupils of 1-5 forms took an active part in the competition for the best picture and best letter to the mother on 8 March. The students' works were presented in the exhibition "ALZHIR" azabyn tartқan Analar". The participants were awarded with letters of thanks and the work of Felde Valeria a 5 "B" class pupil was best recognized.

March 20 the event "Kosh keldyn Nauryz!” dedicated to Nouryz celebration was hold at the museum where children have shown their abilities in reading poetry, performed songs. Participants of the event were rewarded with gifts.

March 27 museological creative circle "skilful hands” was opened at the museum. Goal: Education of the individual creator able to carry out their creative ideas in the field of different kinds of arts and crafts, to offer students a systematic sustainable needs of self-development, improvement and self-determination in the process of knowledge of art, history, culture, and traditions.

April 22 the museum guides Shulenkova E. and A. Iskendirova had kids art contest "Watercolours Stories" for 4 "B" class pupils. Participants were divided into two teams competed in the skill of mixing of paints, composing the story in drawing, guessing riddles. At the end of the competition the pupils were awarded sets of stationery.

August 22 an event "Tәuelsіz elim - tіregіm" dedicated to the Constitution Day was hold at the hall "Zerde" which was attended by disabled children with neuropsychiatric disorders of the region "Sary-Arka" in Astana, their parents and carers (48 people). The event began with the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and then the guests got acquainted with the videopanoramic exhibition "Tarikh - Tanym aynasy ". Next, the tour guides of the museum had a talk with the children about the items of the Constitution and the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After the event the children were presented with gifts.

September 20, creative competition by reading of Abai dedicated to the Day of the languages of Kazakhstan works took place n the museum hall "Zerde". Students competed in the reading of excerpts from the works of the great poet, stopping at a popular expression and aphorisms. At the end of the contest participants were awarded certificates for their participation on behalf of the administration of the museum and I, II and III places were distributed among the winners. The winners were also presented with certificates, the book "Elorda " and prizes.

October 23 an artistic public showing on the theme "Children look at the history of repression" was hold at the museum hall "Zerde". Students wrote essays in Kazakh and Russian languages on the theme of political repression 30-50 years of the XX century. The winner and the participants were awarded certificates and letters of appreciation. The best children works will be published in the brochure.

October 24 museum guides Iskendirova A. and E. Shulenkova had an entertainment program "Autumn leaf fall" for 3 form pupils. The children read poems about autumn, solved riddles, and drew pictures. On behalf of the administration of the museum classroom teacher Akhanova G.K. has been awarded a letter of thanks, and the children received gifts. In celebration of the 85th anniversary of Tselinograd district Secondary school students of aul districts of Tselinograd district: Farforovyi, Rodina, Tastyk, Tonkeris, Orazak, Kosshy, Maksimovka, Talapker, Taytobe by initiative of SM "Education department of Tselinograd district" attended museum-memorial complex "ALZHIR" during the autumn holidays. 100 people familiarized the exposition halls "Alash", "ALZHIR" and "Through torments of hell" at no cost.

November 8 an article of the teacher of the school number 5 of Akmol village Turkesheva M. was published on pages of the regional newspaper "Akmol akparaty", in which she expressed her gratitude to the staff of the museum "ALZHIR" for organizing and conducting on the eve of the languages day of Kazakhstan creative competition of reading works of Abay on theme "Darkhan khalyktyn dana Abayi".

November 19 employees of the museum and memorial complex "ALZHIR" visited schools of Arykty and Kenbitaik villages of Kurgaldzhino district. The slide show "In those early years" was presented for students, and a lecture on the topic "Prisoners of ALZHIR", as well as the clip "1937. Early withered flowers", documentary film "Fierce cold of "ALZHIR" were demonstrated.

10 December the employees of the museum "ALZHIR” organised the slides exhibition on the theme "Those severe years” and the documentary film "Fierce cold of ALZHIR” as well as the video "1937. Early withered flowers” for schoolchildren of high school №43 of Michurino village.

12 December the event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place in the museum-memorial complex "ALZHIR”. It was organized by the Department of Culture of Astana, Department of Inner Policy and Public Fund "Nagyz Zheltoksan”. Within the event video-panorama exhibition "They dreamed of freedom”, meeting of the employees of Public Fund "Nagyz Zheltoksan” with schoolchildren of the high school №5 of Akmol village were held.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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