Museum pedagogy
One of the most important activities of the "ALZHIR” Museum is to attract the younger generation, the development of interest to the history, art and museum. In an effort to achieve these goals, in 2013, the museum administration signed a memorandum of cooperation between the museum and the 5th Akmol high school.
The work of the museum with children is diverse. Children from 6 to 17 age of the 5th Akmol high school take an active part in the events hold as a part of museum pedagogy
"ALZHIR” museum as a source of information about the people and events affects emotionally and evokes a sense of belonging and compassion that is very important at this time. In addition the museum is a place of increasing of cultural education. If in the lessons students receive basic knowledge about the history, the country and the city, then in extracurricular activities they can not only expand the knowledge, but also to apply them in practice, having tried themselves as a researcher, guide, museum worker.
So with the smallest contests and games are hold, upper children are charged to perform the meetings, and interviews with residents of Akmol vllage, to collect materials for their participation in the various events of the past.
Музейная педагогика-2016
18 March the museum staff together with pupils of the school of Akmol village held a festive programme “Welcome, Nauryz!”. In addition an exhibition was organized told about the history of the Nauryz holiday, national traditions and dishes. A separate part of the exhibition included national dress, products of arts and crafts, as well as pictures, embroideries and hand-made articles of schoolchildren and museum staff children.
On December 27, the museum specialist G.Baurzhanova organized a festive informative-entertaining program "New year's trip to the history and tale" for schoolchildren №5, Akmol village. In the event children recited a poem about New Year, painted pictures and got acquainted with the history of the holiday is New year. In memory of this lesson children had got calendar with their photos and candies.