Scientific events
May 4, appointment with soldiers of military police of Ministry of Defense of ROK, devoted to 7-th of May - the Defender of the Fatherland was held.
May 30, museum staff participated in the scientific-practical conference “Political repressions and famine in Kazakhstan in the 30-s of the XX century” organized by Department of internal policy of Astana city. From museum’s administration, for all participants, collections of books with memories of the prisoners and their children were handed.
May 30-31, within framework of international project “Memory for the sake of the future” museum staff took part in the event, devoted Memorial day of the victims of political repression, organized by Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in Eastern-Kazakhstan region
December 19, museum employees took part in the State scientific conference “The Alash and Turkestani Autonomy” devoted to 97-th anniversary since the start of creation of Alash Autonomy, held in ENU L.N.Gumilev.