Scientific events
14 January the director of the “ALZHIR” museum and memorial complex Oralov Meirambai participated in the republic scientific and practical conference organized by the National Archive of RK and the Institute of History of the State to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan.
15 January guides of the museum participated in the meeting of Round table with the representatives of guides and staff of the capital palaces and museums with the aim to discuss problematic issues in tourism.
1 March a mini-conference timed to the Day of thanks in Kazakhstan was held in the museum. The “ALZHIR” museum and the Institute of History of State staff participated in the conference.
On May 13, on the eve of Memorial day of the victims of political repressions, in “ALZHIR” Museum and Memorial Complex the meeting with the representatives of deported people to Kazakhstan and repressed people was held. The aim of the event is to commemorate tragic events in 1930-50-s and restoration of justice against the innocent victims of totalitarian system, the formation of the youth patriotism and morality. For the meeting the descendants of deported people were invited, Ablyakimova A.I., Smailova Sh.A., a daughter of deported Germans Khodorovskaya M.G., descendants of repressed Mukhametzhanov Kapan, Roza and Kulparash. The guests told about their family’s fates. Kulparash and Roza told a lot about a father, who was instructor of polit. Department, sentenced to death on February 26, 1938. The great interest of all participants of the meeting was memories of descendants of deported people, narrating about their childhood, how their families outlived the terrible years of deportation. Many of them who came to Kazakhstan not on their own, consciously left to live here, considering it a second Home. At the end of the meeting for the participants the book “ALZHIR”, published by materials collecting during research trips was handed.
24 May, a director of the museum, Oralov M.A. participated and made a speech in the event, dedicated to Memorial Day of the victims of political repressions, organized by Direction on ensure the preservation of monuments and historical-cultural heritage at the monument to the Holodomor, Astana.
On May 31, on Memorial Day of the victims of political repressions, on the territory of “ALZHIR” Museum and Memorial Complex, the ceremony of putting flowers at Memorial Wall, the meeting with participation of representatives of administration of President of RoK, Astana akimate, Astana maslikhate, Akmola Region and Tselinograd district akimates, “Akmola phoenix” Joint Stock, descendants of repressed and deported people, representatives of Embassies to RoK and ethno-cultural centers were organized. In the meeting State secretary Gulshara Naushaevna Abdikalikova, descendants of repressed people NikolskayaTatyana, born in “ALZHIR” camp, a daughter of Nikolskaya Ksenya, “ALZHIR” prisoner, coming from Moscow and Ospanova Zaure, a granddaughter of Kazbekova Magrifa, a prisoner of “ALZHIR” spoke. Also the museum specialists participated in the ceremony of putting flowers at the monument to the victims of Famine, located in Astana. Putting flowers from Astana akimate, deputies of Parlaments RoK, Astana maslikhate, city organizations and residents of the capital was held.
On June 4, with the participation of Armenian, Belorussian and Ukranian ethnocultural centers, the opening ceremony of memorial stone for Armenian women-prisoners took place, in which Armenian Ambassador Saakyan Ara Okopovich as well as a manager of excursion and exhibition department R.R.Zhaksybayeva made a speech.
On September 26 Museum jointly withthe akimat, Internal policy Department of Tselinograd district and "NurOtan party branch in Zerde hallorganized the first forum, "Labour dynasties", dedicated to thepromotion of the idea of Universal Labor Society, in celebration of the 25thanniversary of independence of Kazakhstan. The participants of the event,dynasty families residing in Akmol village and Tselinograd district, spokeabout their career, for which they devoted much of their life. The event wasattended by members of public associations of veterans and invalids of theAfghan war, the children and adolescents living in disadvantaged and low-incomefamilies.
On October 20, the specialist of State Service of Astana city Rakhmatulin A.R. made a lecture on “Prevention of the fight against corruption”.
On October 25, employees of the exposition and exhibition department took part in the International scientific-practical conference "Historical and international significance of the December uprising, 1986 in Kazakhstan", organized by the Institute of history and Ethnology named after Sh. Ualikhanov and the Association of historians of Kazakhstan to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence and the 30th anniversary of the uprising. The conference was attended by prominent scientists and public figures of Kazakhstan, scientists from several foreign countries (Russia, Holland, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, etc.), as well as ambassadors of foreign States.
On November 4, on the territory of the museum the fir-trees were planted by museum specialists.
On November 7, the meeting with Gazdieva Leila, a psychologist of Central hospital, Tselinograd district for the provision of psychological and counselling services of young families in Akmol for planning and raising children was organized. Gazdieva Leila made a lecture for museum specialists on “Fundamentals of family psychology” and responded to questions.
On November 8, the meeting with S.K.Imankulova, a chairman of national trade union workers of culture, sports and information, Astana city was held.
On November 16, Zhaksibayeva R.R., Chairman of the primary trade Union participated in the seminar on “Labour code Rok. Collective agreement”, organized by S.K.Imankulova, a chairman of national trade union workers of culture, sports and information, Astana city. At the close of the meeting Zhaksibayeva R.R. has got a certificate.
On December 7, on the eve of 25-th anniversaryof Independence of RK, Baltabayeva Bakhit Saparovna, a head of Department of use and publication of documents of the state archive, Astana city read a lecture on “Independent Kazakhstan” for schoolchildren and the museum staff.
On December 6-7-s, within the framework of “Astana is a good city” charity event, organized by the initiative of Astana city akimate, the museum specialists handed the food package for people of disabled possibilities of Astana city.
On December 8, the meeting with Arenova Galina Stanislavovna, a specialist in safety and health was organized, who introduced with the main articles and provisions of the labour code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, gave a lecture on "Safety and health" and answered questions.
On December 13, Duysekeev K.T., deputy Director for administrative part made a lectures on “No extremism and terrorism!”, “Corruption – a threat to society and the state” to the museum specialists.
On December 14, the museum’s engineer Orshabekov S.I. gave a lecture on “System maintenance CCTV”, “Rules on labor protection in the Museum”. On December 15, Ablyakimova A.I., engineer technical safety made a lecture on "Fire safety in cultural institutions".