Последние новости

Video with memoirs of Rjevskaya Elena Mikhaylovna about her mother Sumetskaya Anna Savelyevna, who spent in “ALZHIR” camp.

Video with Maya Klyashtornaya's memories of the years spent in "ALZHIR" together with her mother Yanina Germanovich.

Exhibition on “ALZHIR” prisoner Afonina Tatyana Pavlovna”

Poem of Abay Kunanbayev “Captivity dark fire” (translated by V.Rozhdestvenskiy) performed by museum specialist Ashimova Ainur.

“Malinovka” search party members created in 2007 by museum specialists are reading Abay’s poems and words in video about Abay.

From October to November 2019, with the assistance of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy, research expeditions were organized for the years.

From October to November 2019, with the assistance of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy, research expeditions were organized for the years.

From October to November 2019, with the assistance of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy, research expeditions were organized for the years.

Exhibition on the theme "Men Zhastarka Senemіn".

FaLang translation system by Faboba