Последние новости

Also in the camp, women prisoners built a livestock farm where they milked cows, raised and looked after animals.

Book “My War” written in English by the ALZHIR prisoner Motoshko Galina Mikhailovna and published in 1984 in the city of Manchester, Great Britain.

Igor Leonidovich Pol (1926-2015) wrote the book "Look back with sorrow" based on the memoirs of his mother Kapitolina Nikolaevna Pol, a prisoner of "ALZHIR" camp.

On March 10, 2020, the museum’s fund was replenished with new materials related to the life and activities of the prisoner of «ALZHIR» Grabskaya Irena Karlovna, who were sent to the museum’s e-mail by her son Jan Gorbachevsky, who currently lives in Texas, USA.

С 9 по 15 марта 2020 года Музейно-мемориальным комплексом «АЛЖИР» на основе материалов из фонда Государственного историко-культурного и литературно-мемориального заповедника-музея Абая организована выставка с сопровождением слайдов на тему «Репрессированные потомки и родственники Абая».

Сіздерді Ұлыстың ұлы күні, көктем қуанышы Наурыз мерекесімен шын ықыласпен құттықтаймыз!

On February 26, the ALGIERS Museum and memorial complex an event on the theme "Let's say no to drugs!"

On February 12, the Museum's specialist A. Ashimova and guide N. Kydyrbayeva organized an exhibition and delivered a lecture

On February 3, Museum and memorial complex ALZHIR organized an exhibition and delivered a lecture

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