Приглашаем Вас 9 ноября 2019 года с 19.00 до 03.00 часов в Музейно-мемориальный комплекс «АЛЖИР» на мероприятие
On October 9, 2019, the museum and memorial complex “ALZHIR” was visited
On October 16, 2019, in the implementation of the program article by N.A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar:
On October 3, 2019 in the hall "Zerde" Of the Museum-memorial complex" ALZHIR "
On September 30, the Day of the Elderly and Disabled, the ALZHIR Museum and Memorial Complex, together with the "Zhas Shabyt" Children's Creativity Center in the Tselinograd District, organized an event in Zerde Hall. The participants were people with disabilities and representatives of deported peoples living in the village of Akmol (17 people). Deputy Director Duysekeev Kuat Toleuovich delivered a welcoming speech. Pupils of the Center for Children's Creativity "Zhas Shabyt" organized a concert program. Participants in the event are international class master of sports in powerlifting, the 16th time champion of Kazakhstan - Vadim Dukart, as well as the head of the public association of the disabled “Bolashak” of the Tselinograd district Kapan Aman gave an interview to museum staff. In their speeches, they called for never to give up and walk confidently through life.
In memory of the museum, guests were presented with collections of memoirs of children repressed "Descendants Remember" published by the museum team on the 10th anniversary of the museum and the 80th anniversary of the beginning of mass political repressions. Also, the Amanat-ALZHIR Public Fund presented gifts to pupils of the Center for Children's Creativity Zhas Shabyt. "

25 сентября 2019 года в рамках общегородского Дня посадки деревьев на территории мемориала
23 сентября2019 года Музейно-мемориальный комплекс «АЛЖИР» посетили участники ІV совещания спикеров парламентов стран
5-8 сентября 2019 года в рамках реализации программной статьи Елбасы Н.А. Назарбаева «
5 сентября 2019 года в рамках реализации программной статьи Елбасы Н.А. Назарбаева «